For Businesses
When should I book a Business Curation Package?

100% of organizations are run by people, If you don't understand people, you don't understand business. - Simon Sinek
00 You Need Vision
Organizations seeking to attract and keep the best creative and productive talent can no longer pretend to do so without having a clear and cohesive vision held together by a strong company culture forged in the fire of shared values.
The uncertain nature of business is not for the faint of heart. It is common for organizations to become so preoccupied with the everyday running of the organization that they forget why they are there in the first place.
If you feel this describes your organization, you are not alone and may need an internal cultural renaissance.
My skills and values audit will help your organization take stock of who is in your organization, what they can do, and how best to leverage everyone's abilities to achieve your collective goal.
Whether you are developing the vision for your first company or you have a company but are struggling to keep your team together; the Vision Package is right for you.
How Do I Know If the Vision Package is Right for Me??
- I know I want to build a business but I'm not sure where to start.
- All I have is an idea but don't know where to go from here.
- I’ve hired someone (management or employee) with very high expectations but it’s not what I expected.
- I frequently find that I ask my management or employees for one thing and I get something completely different.
- My employee turnaround is brutal. I have trouble holding onto talent.
01 Business Ideation & Modeling
Business ideation is perhaps one of the most fun parts of business (besides the making money part). It is truly the time you can bring all your intellectual and creative powers to bear.
But the ideation stage can be a double edged sword. That is, without scaffolding, frameworks, and accountability, it can very quickly become your worst nightmare before you ever begin. Questions like:
- How do I know if it’s a good idea?
- How do I know if it’s viable?
- How do I know if it’s scalable?
- How will it make money?
- How do I know when I need to hire someone else?
- Etc.
In other words, paralysis by analysis.
The Business Ideation & Modeling Package is designed to help answer these questions and the others you will have about the initial steps of the ideation process.
This is truly one of my favorite stages because anything and everything is possible. But in the end, it’s business and it does truly boil down to whether the business makes a profit or not. That’s it. So many people spend hundreds or hours and thousands of dollars trying to figure this stuff out.
The Business Ideation & Modeling Package is here to help save you all that time(and money).
02 You Need a Business Plan
When I worked in finance, we had a saying - "People don't plan to fail, they just fail to plan."
While it's not exactly glamorous, I believe at least an absolute basic business plan is an essential first step (unless you enjoy burning money; in which case, be my guest).
There are two major misconceptions about business plans:
- They take forever, are difficult to research and are heavily resource intensive.
- They require enormous experience and expertise.
The truth is you can build the basics of a business plan in a day. While it is true that a thorough business plan is heavily resource intensive in terms of time, research, and even money; these variables only come into play once your idea passes the stupid test i.e. people are willing to pay for your product or service.
In our session we will:
- Conceptualize and evaluate your idea to decide on its viability.
- Perform an audit to identify any reasonable blind-spots.
- Begin working on your unique selling proposition (USP) and establish a preliminary business model.
- Discuss your potential minimum viable product (MVP).
03 Marketing Fit
As the speed of trends and marketing tactics continue to evolve at breakneck speeds, organizations frequently find themselves running after their clients by trying the latest trend or gimmick.
This might work from time to time but I don't think organizations go into business to be subject to the whims of chance.
While traditional marketing has its merits, the problem is that it reflects a much more static environment than the one present today.
If your company is struggling to understand the constantly changing landscape that is modern entrepreneurial marketing, you are not alone.
I've just spent the last three years of my life studying how companies make decisions under uncertainty and I can tell you for sure it's not by using hundred-page reports and forecasts.
Whether you're looking for that perfect product-market fit for an existing product or new perspectives to help create a fresh brand strategy, let the Marketing Fit package show you how the newest companies are surviving the sea of chaos.
3.1 Copywriting
Writing has many roles within the context of business. It can get attention, entertain, inform, convert, and much more. The best does all the above. One of the biggest mistakes made by people who hire copywriters is to not ask them how they define copywriting and how they approach it. They fail to ask the writer about their metrics and how they define success.
For me, copywriting is a craft. There are certain scientifically proven foundations and best practices but ultimately there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying to you.
I prefer Robert W. Bly's definition of copywriting which states the role of copy is to: (1)get attention; (2) communicate; and (3) persuade. To me, these are valid and reasonable metrics. The precise configuration of how you do this, however; is where the craft comes in and getting it right relies on a good relationship between you and your clients/customers.
NOTE on AI: I am not afraid of AI. While the abilities engines like ChatGPT, Bard, and others have in text generation are admittedly impressive; I see these as tools that help augment my practice, not endanger them. I will always be transparent about my work and to what extent I used AI tools to help deliver greater value for my clients.
04 Leadership
Leadership is probably the most misunderstood of all business functions while simultaneously being one of the most essential. Life can be ironic that way.
I believe the reason for this is because the results of good (and bad) leadership can take some time to see. Seeds are planted and they either grow and flourish or die and disappear.
Fortunately, the topic of leadership is an extensively researched topic, especially in business. And while there is again no one-size-fits-all approach to effective leadership, there are some time-tested and psychologically validated tools for increasing your chances of effective leadership.
But leadership is so much more than a collection of tools, tips, and tricks for maximizing productivity and profit. It is a way of life that is meant to breathe meaning and value into otherwise everyday monotony.
Fortunately, leadership can be taught, though it is not for the faint of heart. It is a journey in and of itself but one that pays dividends like you’ve never imagined.
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” - Joseph Campbell
I frequently think about the quote above and how true it has proven to be time and time again in my life.
If you would like to start a conversation about working together to meet your leadership goals, please subscribe and contact me via the contact form near the bottom of the page.
NOTE - Packages may be purchased on their own or as part of a series, one after the other depending on your needs. Packages have room for rescheduling in the event of sickness or conflicts without fines but are subject to availability.
You will receive a company-branded invoice for the first half (deposit) of the package price
Rate Disclaimer
On occasion, rates may vary according the following variables as is industry standard:
- Location - While I prefer to work in person, all of my work is designed to be performed online as well. Rates do not reflect traveling costs and will be adjust to reflect any necessary travel.
- Scope - We will discuss the scope of your project on our introduction call. I will never take on a project I do not feel I can deliver on. Rates will not change unless we both agree the previously agreed upon scope has been exceeded.
- Expertise - I will always be very transparent about what I can and cannot deliver on relative to my expertise. Rates will not change unless we both agree the project requires expertise beyond that of what can deliver on my own.
- Experience - My rates have been calculated by researching present rates at market value taking the parameters of my education, experience, expertise, and results in mind.
Some References