Lessons on Resilience from the Extreme

About Episode

Do you have what it takes to survive under extreme pressure? What does it take to thrive personally and in small groups? What can working in some of the harshest conditions on earth teach us about resilience in everyday life and business? In this episode, I dive into the topic known as Antarticness; a phenomenon that describes the dynamics polar teams face when working together under harsh environments, sometimes for months at a time. 

Are you made of the right stuff? 


Pedro is an organizational psychologist, with a passion for developing human performance in extreme environments. With over a decade of experience providing training and consultancy to business companies, fire departments, and polar research groups. He currently works as an Associate Professor at Universidade Lusófona, where he coordinates the Applied Master in Advanced Human Resources Management.

He is involved in research projects supported by the Portuguese Polar Program, the Portuguese Space Agency, and the European Space Agency. After leading two scientific expeditions to King George Island (Antarctica) to study teamwork in extreme environments, He recently participated in the CAMões lunar analog mission at Terceira Island (the Azores, Portugal) as a member of Crew 0.

You can find Pedro on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Key Questions and Themes

Q: What is resilience?

Q: What is "Antarctivness" and why is it important?

Q: What is teamwork vs. taskwork?

Q: What do resilient teams and team members look like?

Suggested Reading

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