Creativity, Innovation, and Why it Matters

Creativity is an essential part not only of resilience but of the CCT Method itself. In today’s data-driven world, creatives can feel a bit out of place because the creative process (can be) messy.


Creativity is an essential part not only of resilience but of the CCT Method itself. In today’s data-driven world, creatives can feel a bit out of place because the creative process (can be) messy. In a world where a single iota can throw off your entire bloc of code; creativity often involves breaking norms and ignoring rules and expectations to arrive at innovative solutions. In this episode, Lorenzo and I discuss what creativity is, why it’s important, where to find it, and whether we’re born with it or it can be learned across the lifespan.

Guest Intro

Lorenzo Pena describes himself as a creative, designer, and technologist. His passion for technology and computer science has led him to some of Europe’s most innovative centers including Madrid, Barcelona, and beyond. He has been a digital nomad for just over two years now and has no plans to stop. Freshly arrived back to Europe  after months in South East Asia, Lorenzo is now focusing on breathing life into his own project called Traversing Spaces where he synthesizes his unique blend of quantitative modeling and aesthetic design to help companies achieve their highest innovative potential.

Key Questions and Themes

  1. What is creativity? How do you define it?
  2. Why does it matter?
  3. What role does creativity play in innovation?
  4. Is there a particular innovation framework you resonate with the most?
  5. Can creativity be taught or are you just born with it?
  6. What are some of the greatest misconceptions about the value of creativity?
  7. What is Traversing Space?
  8. Why should companies want to use the TS Framework to lead their innovation and design teams?

Suggested reading?

The Creative Act by Rick Rubin

Where can people find you?

Want more?

Were you inspired by this episode to begin your creative endeavor? Are you a creative looking to turn your skills and craft into a business? Check out my business services page for more information about how to do just that!

Struggling to find your creative spark and how to integrate it into your life to avoid burnout? Check out my personal services page and let's hop on a discovery call!


I welcome all my guests to the CCT podcast gratefully and equally. I welcome and entertain their thoughts, views, opinions, and concerns. However, I do not endorse any particular view unless otherwise explicitly stated. I aim to be as transparent as possible with the resources provided. None of the information provided is intended to be taken as a prescription solution or medical/psychological advice. The CCT podcast is a form of media intended to educate and entertain. In the event that you are seeking treatment, we strongly encourage you to seek medical and/or psychological attention from a licensed specialist.

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